Massive Data Reduction
ALMA + IRAM-30m spectral cubes
As part of the technical work in this project, in our EMERGE Paper I (Hacar et al 2024) we developed a homogeneous and systematic data reduction framework allowing the massive data processing of ALMA observations using high-performance computers.
EMERGE Early ALMA survey Workflow
Continuum observations
As part of the Survey of Orion Disks with ALMA (SODA) project (van Terwisga, Hacar, van Dishoeck, Oonk, and Portegies Zwart, 2022), we investigate a total of 872 proto-planetary disks with ALMA in the Orion A cloud. Tailored for this project, EMERGE created a new scheme for the reduction of massive ALMA datasets using the SPIDER-SURF supercomputer. Contrary to previous linear methods, EMERGE creates a parallel data processing using the full capabilities of SPIDER-SURF, reducing the total reduction time by 2 orders of magnitude.
SODA workflow. (a) Standard data reduction. (b) Parallel ALMA data reduction scheme implemented on the SPIDER platform that is part of SURFsara’s Data Processing facilities.